Photography Pro: Missing Features

Photography Pro: Missing Features

I've had my Xperia 5II for almost a year now and I absolutely love it. I'm a long time Sony user, having bought into the E mount back in the days of the NEX5 and using Sony's Venice and FX series of cameras in my professional work.


Having the same strength of my professional tools in my pocket has really changed my relationship to phone cameras and on-the-go photography to the point that I sometimes don't take my a6400 on location scouts with me.

That being said I was wondering anyone here has managed to get the following to work or know where I could submit some feature requests for some pretty obvious omissions:

  • The ability to use the volume keys for EV control like I would use the top dial on my Sony camera (Currently only mappable to Zoom, Shutter (why would I need that on a device with a dedicated shutter button?) and Volume)
  • A 2:4.1 Aspect ratio image size; it's pretty silly that I have to use third-party apps to get an image that has the native aspect ratio of the device I'm shooting on.
  • Manual White Balance Control in Kelvin ( I don't always carry a grey card to point at in order to make one of the custom ones work for me.)

Some other great to haves would be:


  • Move DRO/Auto HDR from the menu to side-panel. I switch all the time for best results and its too many taps to get to it.
  • The ability to chose what focal length equivalence we are presented. (Some of us operate mentally in APS-C/ Super 35 so referring to the main shooter as a 16mm, the wide as an 11mm and the Telephoto as a 45mm)
  • Same ARW format as all other Sony cameras. The DNGs coming from it are not supported by my preferred software.
  • Creative Styles (Or at least an in-app way to control Saturation, Contrast and Sharpness)

Thanks, Andrei.

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wonderfull suggestions. have you checked xperia pro lineup? 


you can send your suggestions here

or in any sony xperia social media like twitter and youtube