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Alpha 7R 11


Alpha 7R 11

Am I alone in being frustrated at not being able to shoot formats other than 3:2 and 16:9 on the Alpha 7R 11 camera? 'Crop afterwards' is the usual response, but many photographers (some of the very best in my experience) simply do not work that way. Is it rocket science to include 1:1 and 5:4 options with this otherwise grreat camera. I would purchase the 7R 11 tomorrow (probably 2 of them actually) if this were the case. Seems like a no brainer to include such options, but perhaps someone can enlighten me as to why they don't exist.


Comments most welcome




I personally think all cameras should have a variety of aspect ratios.


Have the one that's most suited for the sensor up the top and have other ratios below to choose from.


My frustration (though I wouldn't change my A7M2 for any else unless I had the money for the A7R2) is that when I take a photo and go to Photobox or Snapfish to get a print out, it's hard to find a relevent print with the same ratio so I have to crop which can ruin the photo.


I don't take photos with cropping at mind. 😕