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Upgrading from a Sony A200

Upgrading from a Sony A200

I have owned my A200 for around 7 years but never fully appreciated how great it could be before i went on a photography course this year which taught me loads about how my camera works and most importantly how to shoot manual, which has lead to a dramatic improvement in the quality of the shots i can obtain.


Whilst i realise that the camera does not make the photographer, i am aware that my A200 is getting on in years and is both rather slow (only manages a few shots per second in sport mode) and a little underspecced. I have however recently bought a prime lense for around £120 and have a great telephoto, neither of which i'd want to replace.


What i am wondering is what is the best upgrade for an amateur developing his photogrphy skills that will still work with lenses made for the A200. I dont need it to be top of the range and i have a fairly small budget, but i would like something fairly current that will equip me for the next 3-5 years.


Suggestions on a post-card as they say....?

Not applicable

Hi there


Im no camera expert or anything, but have a look at the A5000, A5100, and A6000 - which can be found cheaper if you shop around.

