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2015 Bravia Android TV Issues


2015 Bravia Android TV Issues

I thought I'd create a generic thread to cover off the issues being encountered on the 2015 Bravia Android TVs. I've listed my issues below with fixes / workarounds and responses from support. All comments and solutions welcome!



1) Hot Swap HDMI doesn't work - manifested by no input on HDMI channels 2, 3 and 4 on the KD-49X8305C. Workaround - reset the TV, either by holding down the remote power button for 5 seconds or by switching the TV off at the wall and then back on again. Further details on this thread:


2) HDD Recording doesn't work - error message states a system update is required but none is available when checking. Hopefully this will be fixed soon by a firmware update.


3) Netflix App doesn't work - this seems like the app has been deliberately disabled. So far a support case has only recommended that a factory reset be performed (took two days to get to that cracking piece of advice.....), with no improvement as a result. A temporary (albeit for advanced users only) workaround is provided by MikeLothian on this thread - 


4) Sound lag and performance issues after the TV (KD-49X8305C) has been on standby for a while - manifested for me as stuttering and sound / picture sync issues in all apps (youtube, amazon instant video etc) and HDMI sources (PS4, seperate YouView box etc). Hopefully this will be fixed in a firmware update, at the moment workarounds involve either changing channels to get the sync to work or in my case having to turn the TV off and then on again at the socket.


As stated previously, all comments welcome. Personally I'm willing to give Sony a couple of weeks to fix this, but if it's not done soon I'll be sending my new TV back for a refund as it's not really fit for purpose.

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I don't know how much longer I can put up with the quirks of this Android OS - today the TV refused to find my wi fi then refused to join it (even though it was all working fine last night). Then it all locked and up and I had to switch it off at the mains. All this hassle just to watch Netflix! Its just too much faff to be honest.


I have a KDL-50w809c ... Have so many issues with almost every aspect of this TV, worst is picture setup, all the bells and whistles that are supposed to make the image quality better, from my point of view only serve to make it worse, the menus are slow, the standard remote is awful and so on through tuning satalite channels and the TV guide which is little more than useless.. Ive contacted support a number of times and they have been very little help whatsoever ...


 It almost seems as if the hardware inside the unit isnt up to what the software is asking of it and quite often acts like an old computer trying to run modern software ...


 Having owned this TV since late june early july 2015, i already find myself looking for another TV and to be honest they are not Sony models ....


Nico, I have a KD-43X8309C set and all the above problems reported have NOT been fixed I refer to specifically


[1] Sound / picture synchronisation

[2] Stuttering picture

[3] TV Guide - is 90% empty

[4] Sound bar synchonisation  gets lost ~ every three days

[5] Sound on with a black screen

[6] YouView delayed - again!


All the above is true today 13th Sepember 2015 as it was when I purchased several months ago

- It is (as already pointed out) NOT fit for purpose

- This set will be returned to the retailer in early October (on my return from working in Germany), unless Sony issue a statement that indicates the above issues have been resolved


The market and technology move very quickly and I was convinced by your representative in the store that this was "the best ever" and exceeded the capability of your competitors - clearly all these issues make this claim void


I make no apology, you have been given what I (and others on this board) consider a fair and reasonable chance / opportunity to rectify the above faults and you time is about to run-out


Someone made a comparison to Apple and issies they had with the iPhone - they did have issues however, they communicated and kept people informed. My perception is that Sony have buried their "head" in the sand hoping that time and the issues will go away. My concern and fear is that Sony will release a new model with more features (unavailable on current models) and will expect me to upgrade!


The irony is that I purchased a Panasonic 2 years ago quoted as "future proof" - Then was informed I needed to upgrade to a newer model to receive Amazon Prime - which is why I bought the new 4k Sony!


Very very upset and will no longer even consider Sony as a technology brand I can trust, I can only suggest that your PR people need to start working on this as soonas possible


IF you sort out these issues OR we come to some accomodation, I will be happy to post an equally glowing report based on my experience with your customer services.


Please feel free to contact me via my email address

- If you reply saying you cannot see my account details for the address may I suggest you ask your local hacking community, they may be able to help


Excellent , I am as we speak writing to my retailer about all of the issues you mention plus a few
More. I actually have purchased 2 Sony 4k TVs this year one a x49B non Android which is excellent and a the other a 65C powered by Android that is terrible, not worthy of the name Sony and definitely not fit for purpose.

Sent from my iPhone

Thank you for your help @cozzykim

I haven't tried your method, as Archos has been quit stable since my last post, and I'm now suspecting a powercut the other day may have been the cause of my problem.  But if it happens again,  I will try your way for sure! Appreciate it.

So, SONY sent me an email, titled "How do you feel about your kdl-50w805c?" on Friday the 11/9/15.
See attached image.....

I like how in the email, it first asks me to help "other customers". This is something I have been taking very seriously for the last few months, because I would not want anybody else to make the same mistake, and have been actively warning others about all the issues and pointing them to this forum. I was actually quite happy SONY were offering me a great opportunity to express my opinion, on the actual product page too. Great exposure for voicing my issues to others that may not be aware!  

The generic email also says, "If you have ever used product reviews yourself, you will know just how useful they
are." Damn right I do!!! Except, this time I failed myself and jumped on the band wagon before reading any. Ooops! But Hey, SONY know how "useful they are" so surely they will post your review so that "others" can make an informal decision right?????

Next post will be my review, in full, unchanged and as I felt would be of use for "other customers"!email 1 sony review.jpg

Known faults across "ALL" 2015 Android BRAVIA's


1) NO true 5.1 via ARC or optical out.
(Under SOG (sales of goods act) you can return these TV's due to false advertising. This is demonstrated quite clearly in some advertising of a Netflix showing 5.1 on a SONY screen on some 2015 models)

2) Lip sync issues when using AV equipment.
( settings on the majority of equipment will not fix this no matter how hard you try)

3) Sound dipping at random times.
( this is not limited to live TV, it can be VOD or DVD)

4) NO HDD REC as advertised .
(SONY say that there will be an update, but as it is soled as working, you may return under the SOG )

5) NO YouView as advertised.
(SONY say that there will be an update, but as it is soled as working, you may return under the SOG )

6) Constant freezing of UI and TV's during use.
(requires reboot or worse, factory reset)

7) Reboot the TV 5x a week minimum.
( in order for the unit to stop from lagging and being slow, reboots are needed)

😎 Streaming from a NAS.
( TV has moments it cannot find networks and searching for long periods before displaying no devices found)

9) PAP not available as advertised
(SONY say that there will be an update, but as it is soled as working, you may return under the SOG )

Nine is my lucky number, so I will stop there.... for now! There is plenty more issues with all the 2015 model BRAVIA TV's . So many in fact, that a forum was created for people to go to and vent their frustrations. In this forum you will find how unwilling SONY as a corporation are willing to 1) admit to the faults and 2) help amend them!

There is clearly a game being played by SONY to minimise damage, by generally giving people the run around and buying SONY time. This only angers people further, causing an affect in the market where the retailers are constantly reducing the prices of the new sets on a monthly basis. This is in part due to the amount of returns they are receiving back from consumers not happy with the products!

Well, today, 13/9/15 I get an email back titled "Your review has been moderated".
Unfortunately my review had been " rejected " because it was " not in line with our review guidelines ".
See attached image...

***** SONY??? You asked me to write a review of your product for " other customers " to make a decision, based on an idea that you SONY, believe that " If you have ever used product reviews yourself, you will know just how useful they
are." You failed to mention that they can only be good reviews didn't you!!! email 2 sony review.jpg


Ha! I had exactly the same emails! I left a truthful review, no swearing, and it got moderated out too!
Maybe they didn't like the bit where I said I had replaced it with a Samsung!

@theshamelessmanc  same, so dont take it personal, in truth Sony hate us all :anguished:



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