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BUG: Random restarts after updating to 6.0.1 v6.1004?

BUG: Random restarts after updating to 6.0.1 v6.1004?

I have got a 49XD8099 and recently updated (via USB) to the latest Android 6.0.1 version, v6.1004 (March 15 2017 release). I don't know if it has to do with the fact that after updating I could find out why I couldn't connect to the WiFi, and configured the tv to use WiFi accordingly, but since then I keep having the tv restarting Android randomly once or twice per day with the television in stand-by.


I first could notice it because after a reboot it goes to the HDMI 4 (since I don't have an antenna I have set it up that way to avoid turning on the PS4), and then checking with the side-loaded CPU-Z I can see the uptime. Now it just restarted in front of my eyes.


Again, the only difference is that I am now using WiFi. I'll try going back to wired and see if it happens again, still I am getting quite tired of this kind of issues. Anyone else getting the same problem?

109 REPLIES 109



When you say a rouge device on the network, what do you mean?


For example with your situation what was the device, what was happening and what did you do with this device? Presumably it had to be on the network still?





I thought I'd fixed the rebooting by removing an Apple time capsule which was faulty. That went well until yesterday when I had a reboot after sleep. I think I'm going to have to perform a factory reset. Something I didn't want to do, and was hoping Sony would at least tell us a timeframe for an update, but nothing seems to be in the pipeline. 


Hopefully the reset will will fix this. Otherwise I guess it's waiting for a patch. 

Jeffrey Cooper

With the Nougat update a long way down the road ( fourth quarter according to Sony) I've emailed support to see if a patch to address this is in the pipeline. If there is, I'm going to wait unless the problem gets worse. Currently get around one a day, and only when waking from sleep. I'll post what Sony have to say when they reply to me. 

Jeffrey Cooper

Sounds like a rubbish response from Sony (i.e. No response) it's an appalling way to treat it's customers. I spent 10 years in IT software support and we could produce patches in days and make them available straight away for download.

Sent from my iPhone

Experiencing the random reboot issues after the recent firmware update. The TV suddenly just decides to refresh itself and get the android TV colourful rings displayed for couple of minutes and  then kicks back to life. Also have seen it getting conked off the network and have to manually re-connects.


Reading through the post..cant see a solution yet...




Experiencing the random reboot issues after the recent firmware update. The TV suddenly just decides to refresh itself and get the android TV colourful rings displayed for couple of minutes and  then kicks back to life. Also have seen it getting conked off the network and have to manually re-connects.


Reading through the post..cant see a solution yet...



@gikanoo99 Do you mean after updating to Android 7.0? At least i've seen the circles only after upgrading it.


In my case after upgrading to. 7.0 and a factory reset (I am usually against it, but I was kind of forced to due to the propagation of old issues I had in 6.0.1) in terms of reboots it seems fine. For now. Currently I am at 38 hours (because I rebooted it manually myself few times) and I never experienced an off screen reboot (yet). But I'll keep this posted in case I get any (or none after one week or so).

I don't want to speak too early, but at least the randon reboots in stand-by seem to be solved in Android 7.0. I've never had one of those reboots since uograding (but yes, I did get others with the TV on!) and once I passed 4 days of uptime. Then I had to reboot manually because I have issues with the WiFi.

I am currently also experiencing way less reboots on Marshmallow. So I wouldn't speak too early...


One guy on German forums stated the reboots are gone if you unplug LAN and disable WLAN. So it is most probably network related which we already assumed anyway. I am currently investigating on that...

Sorry, I am not sure I understand. Unplug LAN, disable WAN? Can you be a bit more specific? Not really for this issue since I am quite confident they are gone (well, finger crossed), but I have the feeling that the same solution would work with the reboots caused by the VPN.