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I've just updated my TV, XBR-65X930D from Android 7 to Android 8 Oreo and I am seeing an intermittent flickering horizontal line when on the home screen and or using an app from the home screen such as Youtube, Tubi, etc... The line started out about 1 inch from the top of the screen, at first, and now is no longer there but more near the center of the screen. It starts in the main menu when no selection is chosen, then goes away when I move around the menu and temporarily goes away after choosing an app like Youtube, and playing a video. It seems to be more prevalent when the colors on screen are in the blues. It goes away completely when I switch to an HDMI Input, i.e. cable tv or a PC that I have attached.
I have tried a "Power off for 2 minutes" solution that I saw in support but I think this may have been when I saw the line jump from the top to the middle of the screen. I had no such issue prior to upgrading to Android 8.0. I will post a pic of the actual TV when I get home but for now, it looks very similar to an issue that another user was having, a couple of years ago, except mine only shows up in the home screen or App driven system. See below
This is the UK community and your tv model is a US one, please refer to your local Sony community (in Europe there is no Android 8 for similar type of TV yet)