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Software update December 2023

Software update December 2023

Since the update on my tv a couple of weeks ago my tv freezes when I choose free view and  live catch-up. I keep soft resetting it by holding on off button but this does not cure it. I keep pressing random buttons and it eventually starts. Is there a solution to the problem.



I agree with all the above. I've always bought Sony TVs but the issues with this December 2023 update have potentially put me off buying again in the future. My TV is running the now pulled update, which is a lot laggier than the 2021 update.


Sony, is there any update regarding the release of the new version? Thanks in advance.

I've raised another support case just now pushing for answers on when this is getting resolved.  


Luckily I bought mine from the excellent Richer Sounds so it has a 6 year warranty and if I dont get satisfaction I'll push it on them to do an exchange. 

It is, however, ridiculous of Sony to have stuffed us over this.

I don’t think there will be a revised software version released. I’m on PKG 6053.0712EUA and my tv is back to operating as expected. I had the lagg issues when first installed and I initially uninstalled the youview updates. This worked for a while but I then noticed regular “Android system webview” app updates in the google play store. I’ve kept google play store on auto update since and my TV has settled down (youview also now updated). I think Sony has resolved this through the Android webview app. Worth checking that you have auto update on in the play store or there are no updates available waiting to be installed.

This isn't just about live TV app, this the whole interface.  I just had to restart it as it completely stopped responding.  Yes my Google play is on auto update and Sony themselves did comment that they are working on a new version some months ago.  


I've hard reset my TV and it still behaves terribly.  This needs fixing or it goes back.

Issue is I have one operating on 

PKG6.5076.0635EUA this is the older software but this is the newer of the 2 TVs by a year.

and the other on the pulled update of 

PKG6.6053.0712EUA.this is the oldest tv and the only one to automatically receive the pulled update.

so both tv have different menus, Sony needs to at least release an update that all tvs of the same model run on.