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Strange sound interference on HD channels

Strange sound interference on HD channels

I have a KD-43xe8004 43inch version which I bought last November (2017).


When I turned on the tv this morning everything was ok. I went downstairs and come back 30 minutes later and when I unmuted the HD channel I was on, suddenly there is this strange interference sound happening.


I can still hear the channel audio underneath the strange sound. If I change to the non-HD version the interference goes. The interference sound is on all HD channels.


I was thinking it might be something to do with youview? Because when I was searching about hd sound problems youview kept coming up in the searches.


How do I search when youview was last updated?

Is there a way I can turn youview off temporary or is it built in to the tv?



I'm not sure if the video will show in this message but if it does then you'll be able to hear the sound issue.