Wiring up lots of Sony appliances


Wiring up lots of Sony appliances

Can someone with knowlegde on these things PLEASE help me!


I have a Sony PlayStation 4pro, a Sony Bravia KD65XD8599BU (65" TV) a bdvn7200wb (5.1 surround sound/ blu ray player) and want to get a UBP-X800 (Sony uhd bluesy player), and also have sky Q.


here are my issues.


ps4 pro and sky Q are 10bit colour, uhd so need to be connected to the TV directly by hdmi


the optical cable is A not the best sound and B when I go directly from TV  to surround sound using optical it  causes a tiny delay of sound from the sky (I can't get it to match despite there being options on the sky) that causes out of synchs lips and sound Which I can't have obviously so I currently have different optical cables that I have to keep swapping in the back of my surround sound!


to top it off when I get the Sony uhd blu ray player it doesn't even have an optical output port so I have no idea how I will get t to work! Ideally I'd like to not have to swap anything, or split anything as high quality visual and sound is the end goal!

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@Jecht_Sin wrote:

@Anonymous oh, ok. Because it was my understanding all 4k/HDR Bravia tvs had the same set of HDMI ports, even the A1 Oled. So I remembered from the reviews I have read. I must have got it very wrong, then.



You might be wrong - or my spreadsheet is wrong.  But I also checked the manual this morning and there is nothing in the XD85 series manual that states only use certain HDMI ports.





Edit - In comparison to the XD80 Series:


Not applicable

HI @Colin1806


Sorry I missed your other question about what source to put the audio system.


  • If using ARC, then it will do it automatically
  • If using Optical then set the source to "TV"




No, no, don't worry, I trust you! :smile:


Before posting I have been looking for those specs sheets indeed, in the Sony sites, and there was only the info about HDCP 2.2. So I went by memory. Actually now I am checking the reviews of rtings.com. And I was right about one thing: according to rtings the A1 Oled only has 2 18Gbps HDMI ports (2 & 3), like with the XD80. In the X850D's review instead they don;t specify ports HDMI 2 and 3. And the port for ARC is HDMI 4 indeed (instead of HDMI 3 in the XD80 and A1 Oled). This is about the A1 Oled in rtings (link😞




Ok, that explains how I have got confused, then. But it doesn't explain why Sony downgraded the 2 HDMI ports in the most recent televisions! Why? What changed?

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Thats the thing I do not get.  Why would Sony only have 2x 18Gbps HDMI ports on the A1 OLED - for such a high-end TV it is basically unforgivable.


See recent thread:



I do not know why they would do such a thing....


You know, it's like with the Sony's soundbars. I am not really sure the 2017 soundbars are actually better than the ones from 2016. One would expect that the new (tv or audio) models are always a superset of the old ones. Apart from losing old technology, like the SCART, obviously. Instead they get downgraded.


The info from the Sony's site doesn't help either. When I checked before buying the tv some specs were contradictory between the same model with different number (8005 vs 8099 for example) or between the UK and Italian site. Same for the soundbars. I check the Sony site it doesn't mention DTS-HD, just DTS, I check the description in some internet shops and they say DTS-HD is there!