Community Team

Plastic Free July

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During ‘Plastic Free July’, people are encouraged to think about their use of plastic and look for ways to minimise its use.

As you may already know, sustainability is a foundation of Sony´s business and corporate culture, and we are working to eliminate plastic packaging in small products.

We developed our Original Blended Material - packaging made from 100% paper materials using plants like bamboo and sugarcane - to stop using plastic packaging and to reduce our impact on the environment.

We also developed SORPLAS to incorporate more recycled materials whilst still delivering high performance - matching both our design and quality reputations. SORPLAS is made from recycled post-consumer water bottles and discs from Sony Music Entertainment, and we use it in lots of products, including headphones, cameras, BRAVIA TVs, and Xperia smartphones.

These initiatives form part of our "Road to Zero", Sony’s global environmental plan striving to achieve a zero environmental footprint throughout the life cycle of our products and business activities.

Are you taking part in Plastic Free July? If so, share your ideas below!


I am decluttering the house and garden and recycling card, paper hard plastics,soft plastics steel, brass, cables with connectors removed, all in separate containers to recycling centre . There is very little going to land fill. And in going to the dump going easy on acceleration for further environmental benefits as always!

It always benefits to think about it first!