SMPN200 Problems

I bought this media player recently and it works fine except for HD Films.  I log into LoveFilm Instant Account app on media player and if I start watching a film that is HD it plays but keeps stopping every 10-20 minutes as though the internet speed has dropped (when in relity it hasnt).  If I watch a non HD film it is fine and doesnt have this problem.  The issue occurs irrespective of wireless or cable connection (I have tried both) and yes my internet speed is approx 19.5mbps (Zen Internet and they dont slow you down or have traffic management policies in place etc etc).  I have come to the conclusion that it must be an issue with this particular box not being able to buffer up enough data and therefore causing the interupption.  It does sometimes resume after a minute or two but not always.  And Yes I have updated the unit for the latest firmware.  Anyone have the same problem or can offer me a solution ?  Thanks