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Sony HDR-HXD890 TV Picture freeze

Sony HDR-HXD890 TV Picture freeze

I have a Sony RDR-HXD890 which used to work fine. I haven't been using it for a while, had Sky.

Just begun to use it again and have a few problems.


I have done a reset (unplug from mains for a few minutes then turn on then hold Stop and press On/Off)

Firmware is 1.24

The aerial input is digital, (signal, according to my TV, is excellent) it tunes all channels OK, (it used to ask for a postal code input, doesn't do this anymore).

EPG set to Guide (Digital)

Unit seems fine when showing/recording external input from Sky.


Problems are..

1, The live TV 'freezes' after four or five minutes, the only way to recover is a power off.

2, EPG is not setting, I get an error message saying 'Set Host Channel', can't find any mention of this in the UG. Is this supposed to work with a digital input?


I was wondering if there may be a CMOS backup battery that's gone flat, unit is quite old. I haven't had the lid off (yet).

Any ideas anyone?


Nothing immediately comes to mind, however without seeing in detail how its all configured and connected......


Try this.

1/ Connect the aerial direct to the recorder. At this stage you do not need to feed the aerial from the recorder to the TV. 


2/ You don't say whether you are using HDMI or Scart to connect to TV. Whichever it is, ensure the appropriate cable is connected.


3/ Switch the TV on and select the appropriate input and confirm the recorder is basically operational i.e. you see playback/menus etc on screen.


4/ Now do a factory reset again and go through the quick set up tuning in the digital channels and setting the EPG as before to digital.


If your live TV (meaning TV as viewed by the recorders tuner) still freezes then you have either a fault with the recorder or a problem with the incoming signal (poor signal to noise ratio etc).


High signal strength is no guarantee of absolute quality. Although not familiar with the HXD 890 (I have an 870) you will probably find a signal strength/quality indicator within the setup and digital tuner menu.


If the recorder works in this state then connect the aerial out from the recorder into the TV with a suitable fly lead.


Also read:

4G and Freeview


Freeview Maps




Hi Mooly01
Thanks for the response.

Setup is as follows
The recorder is connected to the TV via an HDMI cable.
There is also a Scart cable connection from the recorder to a Sky HD box.
The Sky HD box is also separately connected to the TV via an HDMI cable.
There are no RF connections other than the digital aerial input to the recorder.


Just did a reset and retune.
The recorder is fully operational, other than the ‘live’ (yes, I mean recorder tuner output) freeze. Viewing/recording the Sky box input via ‘Line 1’ is fine.
Digital signal input is.....
Signal strength 87%
Signal quality 100%
So probably not a problem there.


After about twenty minutes this time picture froze.

I suppose it must be a faulty digital tuner, (quite strange as it works fine for a while, then just freezes) I wonder if it’s possible to replace it, I used to be a service engineer (audio) so I’m sure I could do it easily enough. It’s a really good recorder, other than the fact that it doesn’t work.


Thanks again for your input.

Its hard to say for sure on this, but I still wouldn't at this stage be condemning the recorder without further evidence. I just wonder if the signal is marginal or whether some interference glitch occurs from which it can't recover. Something like a thermostat arcing, that kind of thing.


(I used to have mine connected as per Sony recommend of aerial into the TV first (at the time to an older Sony IDTV) and from the TV into the recorder. When the TV was switched off at the mains switch the aerial feed was automatically looped through the TV via an internal relay in the tuner. That few milliseconds glitch as the internal changeover happened could often freeze the recorder tuner.)   


Would it be possible to test it on a totally different aerial ?


All you need is to connect the aerial, select BBC1 (or whatever) and do a recording for an hour. No need to connect to a TV at the time to see what happens. View the results at leisure later.

Hi Mooly01
Thanks for responding again.
I have been using the aerial up till now on my TV, never had a problem but who knows?
As I said in the original post, I had been using the 890 (for years) without a hitch but can’t remember if that was just with an analog rf input before the switchover, probably was.
I had thought of spikes, so I left my hifi on with the gain turned up and no signal, I can usually hear the fridge switch, but that didn’t appear to be related, but it’s certainly worth further investigation.
I live in a ‘block’ of apartments with just a single antenna feed, been scratching my head trying to think of how I could hook up another, a good idea though. Wonder if I could knock up some sort of test generator, I’ll google around for a circuit. Maybe there is some sort of PC based generator, hmm.
I do have a couple of pretty good LC mains filters, could try one of those on the recorder.
One thing that I have noticed is that when the picture does freeze, (it is total by the way, it remains frozen), that to clear it I have to hit the Off switch on the remote (or main unit), but if I select any other switch, say Setup or try to select another channel for instance, then the whole thing locks up and I have to turn off at the wall socket. It’s got a kinda software problem feel to it, to me.
Thanks for your input.

It's worth trying a mains filter if you have one, although I still suspect at this point that this could be a glitch from something that couples inductively into the aerial system.


Another slightly non intutive idea would be to try an attenuator in the aerial feed, perhaps a 6db one initially. Thats not as crazy as it sounds actually, particularly on an amplified and distributed aerial system. It would reduce the signal voltage by 50%.







Hi Mooly01

Now that’s an excellent idea, I’d never have thought of that but it certainly makes sense. Counter intuitive ideas are usually the best ones.

I tried the filter, made no difference at all. My idea of making an rf generator was stupid, a glass of shiraz too many.

 Thanks again

Hi Mooly01 

Couldnt find an attenuator anywhere in town, so I made one, don’t laugh it was a very professional bodge. Signal dropped from strength 85 quality 100 to 68/65, end result was exactly the same, pic froze after about ten minutes, oh well, it was worth a try.

I pulled out the wall socket too just to check, but it was fine.

Maybe I’ve just found what I can buy myself for Christmas.

You’ve been a star with all your help, thanks.

A pity nothing conclusive has showed up. These older Sony recorders were (are) brilliant and there doesn't seem to be anything quite the same available now. Ebay offerings are aplenty though.


I wouldn't write yours off as 'faulty' until you could try it on another aerial system, although thinking about it, even if it was then OK, it could be an uphill struggle to get anyone to take responsibility for a community system.


Hope you find something suitable anyway.