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Need help with compatible motherboard

Need help with compatible motherboard

Hello, recently i have a problem with my sony vaio laptop. Model is VPCF13E1E/H it has a intel core i5-460m/2,53ghz processor and an nvidia geforce GT 425m video card. I had some power issues and a couple of friends try to fix it by reballin both cards (processor and video card) with no success. after they told me that some circuits were burned and only solution is to change motherboard.

im currently waiting 2 more days as a friend will try to fix it by replacing some circuits.

So i want to change motherboard, which currently it is PCG 81212M (MBX215 i think)

and i would like something equal or better than what i have.

I also have a question, if the new motherboard has everything the old one has (wifi/bluetooth card) and the processor and video card with it, or do i have with some way install my old ones to the new one,

thanks for your time reading it and i would appreciate any help

also sorry for my bad english!


Any help?

does anyone know where can i buy an PCG 81212M (MBX215) motherboard?

Hi wendor,

Unfortunately most Vaio motherboards are customised for individual models and I know of no reliable spare parts companies in Europe.  Motherboards are normally only available from Sony.

However, there are companies in the USA that can provide spare parts and you may need to contact one of these for the correct motherboard.

Getting friends to do complex repairs often ends in tears!