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Noisy computer


Noisy computer


While I was on holiday in Istanbul i bought a mini sony vaio. and of course once i was on the flight home i heard a loud noise from the computer = it is a loud purring noise i think it is the fan/ just wanted to know from others if they have experienced this and what you did about it/ by the way the noise is not continuous, it stops after about an hour or so and will come back on when I move the computer!!!! 


Welcome to ClubVaio Wanadu,

1) Please, we need to know which Vaio model do you bought in Turkey ?
2) As Turkey is not part of European Union, I am concerned about warranty issues...
3) Based in what you described, you should consider to call the Vaio assistance
4) Please, give a call to Vaio support to verify the possibility to send your computer to be repaired...
5) We can consider other possibilities, at soon you identify your laptop model for us...