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Start-up Problems!


Start-up Problems!

Hello Everyone,

I just bought a VAIO S 15" i7-3612QM 2.10GHz with 8 GB memory and Windows Premium.

Everything started off nice and without a hassle, but when I restarted after removing McAfee Antivirus (and replacing it with AntiVir) and updating with Windows Update (40 Updates), the start-up went south. After the black start-up screen with the Windows Logo on it, it moves on to a black background, and stays there for about 10-15 minutes, before proceeding to the "Welcome"-screen. The mouse is active, and when I hit the "Enter"-button, the back-lit keyboard lights up. Then when I tried re-booting again after finally coming through, there was a small "Message"-type thing in the bottom right corner. It says:

'Windows 7

Build 7601

This Copy of Windows is not Genuine'

Besides this, it is now extremely slow, and takes about 3-5 minutes to respond to a basic command. I should add, that in addition to deleting McAfee, I deleted a Bing application for IE, and also Microsoft Office 2011 pre-installed software, after installing the full version from a disk (authentic software). I did say something with it being 32-bit version or something, and that I should install 64-bit version of MIcrosoft Office, but I can't believe, that it would cause this boot-hell!

I mean, WTF! I am pretty much a computer Noob, and I have no idea what is going on. I think it has something to do with an update or the fact that I erased McAfee Antivirus. Please Help! I've seen some posts in this forum before, and you guys seem to be Masters of Disasters, when it comes to this, so I hope that you can help me. It would be much appreciated!

-The Very Best


Message was edited by: SonoTooriDesu


You're very welcome and good to know that our efforts are appreciated :slight_smile:

A return to factory settings would certainly have been my choice with a new machine...

All the best,


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Sorry, but I'm back again... Damn it! ^_^

I ended up deciding to take the laptop back to a System Restore point, where it still worked, and now there is no problem. Although, after rebooting, I found that it still was a bit slow at first, and lacking a bit, but now, after a bit of use, it seems to be working well. I installed some of the software (Like iTunes) again, since it was gone after doing the restore point thing, but it had saved some changes, that I made in iTunes before the restore point, which means, that it hasn't deleted all of the files. I shouldn't complain since it's finally working again, but I'm a bit concerned, if I should take it all the way back to factory settings? As mentioned, it's working fine now, but could there still be something wrong, or can I trust the System Restore point - and can I go without taking it all the way back to factory settings? What would you do?

Any advise you guys could give me, would be thoroughly appreciated!

Very Best Regards


Hi SonoTooriDesu,

It seems as though you are content that all is working as expected. I work on the principal that if it isn't bust then don't fix it.

That said, if there are still doubts in your mind then a return to factory settings at this stage will be far less time consuming than six months down the line when a backup and restore of data will be needed plus multiple Windows updates.

Your call but I would give it a few days and then decide.

BTW don't forget to create your recovery media using Vaio Recovery Center - assuming you have not already done so...


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Hi yet again,

It worked fine, and then came the dreaded MEGA update with 88 updates, which is where it went south the last time around. The updates were installed, the computer shut down. I turned it on again and held my breath. Then it strated "Configurating Windows", but only reached 30% before rebooting. Then it finalized the configuration, and I held my breath yet again for start-up.......

AND IT WORKS! FINALLY! Well, people say not to count your blessing too early, but I'm really happy that it works well now! I have all the recovery media done, and now I can lean back and enjoy this lovely machine! Just blazed a 1080p HD movie with joy, while running multiple other programs and windows^_^

Thanks so much for all the help!  It was priceless!

The Very Best (And now last) Appreciative Regards


Hi SonoTooriDesu,

That's great news :slight_smile:



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