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Vaio VGN-AW11S Blu Ray Drive Will Not Read

Vaio VGN-AW11S Blu Ray Drive Will Not Read

Hallo - can anyone suggest a solution for my Blu Ray Drive which will not read any disks please?

I have reinstalled the Driver and checked for an update which I attempted to install but it stated I already had the latest driver.

I have tried CD (Shop Music CD), DVD (Shop Film), Blank DVD+R DVD-R CD etc etc but none will be recognised or read.

I have tried cleaning the lenses.

If there is no solution could anyone suggest where I might buy a replacement please?

Thanks alot, David :slight_frown:


Hi David,

Please go to DEVICE MANAGER and expand DVD/CD-ROM DRIVES.

Is there a Yellow warning ! next to your drive?  If the answer is yes, please double-click on it and give us the ERROR CODE.  This will be a 2 digit number like 39 or 43.

There may be a fix for your problem if there is such an error code.  However, if it says your drive is working correctly, you may then need to start looking for a replacement drive.


Thx Blencogo ...  the Matshita BD-MLT UJ230AS Properties box states that "The device is working properly."

From what you say then, it looks like the actual hardware is faulty. I think the laptop may still be in warranty but if not have you any ideas where I could get a replacement drive?

Thanks, David