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VGC-LN1M - Stuck in HDMI again ...

VGC-LN1M - Stuck in HDMI again ... month out of warranty the VGC-LN1M went into 'stuck in HDMI mode'.  Windows running in the background only no display, and no way of switching back. Searching the internet says known problem - needs a new HDMI card.

Fixed in July by Sony repair partner, Lanway.  Very helpful, actually.  Only one in the UK at that time. Replaced HDMI card. £165. HDMI card only £39 though.

Now, November, guess what?  Failed again - same issue.  No problem, I thought.  It's only just been fixed.

Oh no, says Lanway, Sony only have 90 days warranty on parts.

So, another £165 for a £39 part that should work in the first place.  This is very poor.  I could change it myself if Sony would let me buy it.  I'd take a risk on no warranty rather than the pathetic 90 days.

Not my idea of a quality product, or organisation frankly.

Any one have a VGC-LN1m breaking for spares?



I've had the same problem - thought I was alone on this one!

Bought PC thru the dreaded ebay and really was brand new. After about a month the PC got stuck in this HDMI mode but turning off and back on several times seemed to sort it out - and then eventually it gave up altogether.

Luckily I was in warranty and they fixed it FOC - but then it happened again and they sorted it out yet again.

So, I got lucky this time - but I've lost confidence in this model - desperately would like another one for home but for the money involved and the chance of the same problem I'm not so sure.

Always had Sony kit - love the stuff - but sometimes we suffer a problem and we take a knock - makes us re-evaluate how much do we really like Sony stuff ??

Sadly, I still like it up against all the other manufacturers. I've bought both new and second hand kit - and been relatively lucky so far - but this HDMI Problem really did get to me and although It didn't cost me - it was a real big inconvenience - not something I'd expect from a new bit of kit.
