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WH-1000MX3 headphone bracket(?) broken

WH-1000MX3 headphone bracket(?) broken

Hey all, hope you are well.


I had a similar issue with the 1000X headphones a few years back and IamNic on the forum put me onto Sony  Support as it was a known issue that they were able to repair. Is the cracked frame/bracket  (picture attached) on the slider a known issue with the WH-1000MX3? 20200913_105040.jpg


I love them and they still have some life in them sound wise so was hoping to find out how they could be repaired via Sony. Bought them Mar 2019 so not sure the warranty is still active.


Keep safe


Thanks in advance 



Hello @jamacki73,


the issue you mention was fixed with the later units of the MDR-1000X as well as the WH-1000Xm2 and future generations (including your WH-1000Xm3.


Are they still under warranty?


- Nic

Hey Nic hope you are well and thx for replying.


Not sure that this issue is fixed, seen plenty on this thread with the problem


And  Deeko76 mentions a few others 

Looks exactly the same problem as previous,  I only bought these as the service before fixed the issue on the 1000x'S still and they are still holding strong after the fix. But they want £90 off me to fix as the damage isn't covered. I didn't damage them as I treat them like a baby and only had them just over a year. This has tainted my view of Sony and the principal won't allow me to be conned like that, so I'll stick to the 1000x and the M3s will end up in the trash and I'll think to look elsewhere next time.