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ack cover is torn at the edge


ack cover is torn at the edge

Hallo zusammen, habe seit einem Jahr ein Xz Compact. Seit geraumer Zeit lässt der Akku nach, und heute sah ich, das das Backcover an den Rändern eingerissen ist. Trage von Anfang an eine Schutzhülle. Hat jemand das Problem gehabt? Brauch Hilfe. 

Grüße Erbse


Hello everybody, I've had an X Compact for a year now. For some time, the battery has diminished, and today I saw that the back cover is torn at the edges. From the beginning wear a protective cover. Has anyone had the problem? Need help.

Greetings pea



Hi @Erbse I am sorry to hear about this. 

If you have detected that the back cover of your phone is torn at the edges, my suggestion is to get in contact with your local support team in order to have your phone sent to a service center to be examined and repaired. If you have any questions regarding the service, such as routines, warranty and consumer laws, these type of questions are best answered by your local support team as well, as they vary between markets.

I hope that helped!