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Xperia X hardlocked, where to unlock


Xperia X hardlocked, where to unlock

Good day,

I have an Xperia X phone which is hardlocked ( i get: [X] Network 0 from phone when going under network info) and I would like to know how can I get it unlocked. I have read that it is possible through a cable through direct unlock. My main concern was a reliable and secure source. I would even go to a sony support if they are willing to do it. Can anyone of you guide me twards a safe solution.

Many thanks


The phone needs to be sent back to Sony as a repair to have the number of unlock attempts reset. Then make sure you have the correct unlock code from your service provider. You will need your IMEI number to do this. Put *#06# in the keypad, that will bring up the IEMI number.