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Copy contacts from Sim?

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Copy contacts from Sim?

I got my new Xperia X10 yesterday, and when i went into the phonebook for the first time to copy contacts from sim i made the mistake of coming out of the setup wizard, and now i cant see how to copy from sim. Someone please help, i have no contacts on my phone!!


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Hi Franny,

you should be able to get them, if you do the following:

  1. Go to the Phonebook.
  2. Press the Menu key; i.e. the "physical" key on the left, below the display.
  3. Tap More > Import contacts > SIM card.
  4. To import all contacts, press the Menu key again, then tap Import all.

(It might also be that you see an option to import your contacts from the SIM already when you open the phonebook - directly on the screen. However, you still have to press the menu key to get an "import all" option.)

Hope this helps!



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Perfect! thats brilliant thank you!!

I dont suppose you could answer my two other questions? Can i turn timescape off? Its confusing me and just want to get used to the phone first. Also do i have to link each contact to fb/twitter individually or is there a way of doing them all?

Thanks again!


Yes, you'll have to link the contacts manually, one by one.

You don't need to use Timescape at all - do yeo get the option to go to Home oir Timescape when you press the middle button?  If so, select Home.  You can take Timescape off the screen if you like - tap and hold it and when the dustbin icon appears at the bottom of the screen, drag it in to that.  Yoiu won't be deleting it completely, simply removing it from your home screen.  To add it back to the home screen, go to applications and select and hold the Timescape (or any other) icon and it will appear on the home screen.

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In addition to this, when you press the Home button and it gives you the option between Home and Timescape, you can check the box below the options to set Home as the default homescreen, which will take you back to Home when you press the button. Set the update frequency of Timescape to Never, or just don't set up Timescape at all and you should be fine.

Like sushi said, remove it from your homescreen by long-pressing it and then dragging it to the trash can at the bottom of the screen and then you'll have no reminder of Timescape unless you start it up manually from the App Drawer menu.