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i had downloaded Internet setup file from the SE site once in which the complete process is given to auto setup through the msg sent by SE site on my cell phone, where it asks your operator your cell no. then a msg will come on your cell phone from the site which u have to run in your cell phone and Internet setting will be done automatically. But now I am unable to find that section please send me the link of that section.
Is this what you need...? Not an internet set-up file, but it's the closest I could find...
no dear, I had been on this....but this is not i want...there was a different section all together.....where option is given to submit your cell no. and operator and SE site will send a file to your cell phone
which you have to run and internet setting would automatically be done. Are you getting my point.
hello fednex
you may find what y need at following link
it takes a few minutes to receive the massage including settings
The automatic setup for Internet is actually a service we do not provide any longer. With most devices containing the built in auto setup and a majority of operators offering a similar service, we removed the service.