Share your experience!
Hi Peeps
i have just "upgraded" my phone from a K810i to a W995 and stayed with the same provider (orange)
however i have noticed i am constantly 1-2 bars lower on the signal with my new phone compared to the old.
is this a common experience with the W995 phone or have i got a faulty handset? - personally i woulldnt expect a new phone to be less receptive.
i have checked the software and i am currently running the most up to date version. is there anyting else i should try?
Hi Colin
Funny that, I have just this week gone from the same 'phone to the W995 and have also noticed a difference in my signal. In fact I am struggling to get a signal anywhere at home. Sorry I don't have an answer for you but just thought I'd let you know you're not alone and not going mad!