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Hi if anyone wants to watch live tv streaming either through wi-fi or 3g then check out this web site,i have just done it and it works on both wi-fi and 3g,even thought the 3g signal is crap where i live. I am on o2 and i was always told they didnt support a live stream but it does work. Check it out and let me know.
Wow, thanks so much for the link - it's awesome! Mine will only work properly using wifi, the 3g is too blocky to be watchable but it's great on wifi - what a fab phone this X10 mini is.
Can this phone be used as a modem for a laptop? If so, are there any instructions?
Many thanks!
Not sure on that one,my old phone the w995 you could but i never did use that feature,i'm sure with a little look around there will be an app to do this.