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Problem With Speakers And Headphones


Problem With Speakers And Headphones

Hi! i'm new at the forum. First of all, i apologize for my bad english, i'm from Argentina.

The problem is that my Xperia M is not working well. 
When i conect my Headphones, the phone doesn't recognize them.
But when i turn off the phone, and then turn it on with the headphones plugged, they work.  The thing is that when i do this, if i unplug them, the cellphone remains muted.

So i have to turn it off again and then turn it on without the headphones if i want to use the loudspeaker.
I've already tried erasing Smart Connect data and cleaning with cotton the jack. Also, i tried with different headphones and speakers.
There's any tutorial about how to clean the jack? I've watched one, but it was for a Xperia Miro. But, in Xperia M the jack is soldered, isn't it?

I will really appreciate your help.


You could insert a cotton swab and gently move it around. Do you have compatible headset?


Thanks for answering so fast!
I've already tried that, with no response from the phone.
I know that the headphones are compatible because i've been using them since one year. And i tested them in other devices and they work perfectly.
I've noticed that when i force a little bit the front side of the audio conector when plugging or unplugging the headphones (with an angule of 60 degrees), like scratching it, the phone recognizes the action.

Strange,maybe you could have the device examined at a sony service?


Hi Churras,

Discussion Welcome to the community! Since you're new please be sure that you have checked out our Discussion guidelines

What happens when the device is powered in to Safemode, are you getting the same results, also what happens with an alternative set of headphones?

Safemode instructions