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Hi everyone, I'm in Vancouver Canada and I got my sony ericsson aino for at least 7 months and there is still no software update for me, everytime I try the update service, it just says I have the latest software. I recently sent my aino back to hong kong to fix the touch screen problem for 2 months, and it came back last week. I am really unsatisfied , as my aino's battery consumption from wi-fi and bluetooth are still draining my battery like crazy, which makes me it possible to obtain the new software update outside of the sony ericsson update service? Is it possible to have it in a .jar file?
Hey Andi,
Apparently, Sony Ericsson said that the phone is not even being released in Canada, that's why there's no software update or even the option to choose the phone on the support section. However there's a trick to check where your phone is from:
1. on your phone, go to the service menu by clicking the following key: ( >, * , <, <, *, <, * ) ignore what's on your screen when you're pressing those keys
2. If pressed in the right order, it'll take you to a special "service menu." Click "SERVICE INFO"
3. In service info, click SOFTWARE INFO.
4. In there, it'll give you bunch of random numbers and letters, but notice the second and third line. For instance, mine says:
prg1223-3015_HONG_KONG-RA R7BA084
Check yours and see what country it says. If your model is U10i (not U10a) and it says HONG KONG just like mine, then it should be fine using the update software with settings to Hong Kong. If it doesnt say Hong Kong, but another country, then check the updates for that phone model in that country.
Hope this helps =D
Ps. in case if you're confused with the >, < and the *,
< = left key on D-pad
* = star key