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How do i disable the screen from automactically turning on when phone is connectect to my car bluetooth. It's annoying, as the phone screen turns on inside my pants pocket and causing it to get warm. I tried almost everything but to no avail. Please help!
That's normal if you are making a call, if not then you might be pressing the power button.
No. I am not talking about making calls. I am talking about having the bluetooth on all the time and when I get a device that connects with the bluetooth, the phone screen turns on. An example would be me getting inside my car, Phone and car connects to eath other via bluetooth while it's inside my pocket. Is there a way I can make it so the screen would not automatically turn on when connection is made?
what brand/model is your car stereo...
If my Z3c connects to my Bluetooth headphones/portable speakers/home speakers... it remains with the screen OFF... even when my BT Keyboard connects (unless I hit a key).... HOWEVER, when I connect to my car stereo (Sony XSP-N1BT) it will turn the screen ON because that particular car stereo uses the phone as its display, so it makes absolute sense.... but this does not happen if I connect to other stereos (such as a Pioneer that a friend has).
Maybe doing a re-pair with the BT device?