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How do I turn off any vibration when receieving an SMS text message?
I tried to do this by going to:
Messaging App -> Settings -> Uncheck "Notification Vibration"
This made the vibration sound be softer, but it still has a vibration sound.
How can I turn this off completely please?
That should do it,have you tried to set the device on vibration or silent to see if anything changes?
how do you set the device to silent or vibration?
Hi and welcome to the community! Since you're new please be sure that you have checked out our Discussion guidelines.
You can either hold the ON/OFF button down for 2-3 seconds and you should find three options in the bottom of this list (silent, only vibration or sound) or you can hold the volume down(-) button to the lowest and it will go to vibration mode, press the button once again to make the phone silent.
Try the above and keep us updated.
The option for disabling vibration upon receiving messages is found in the settings of the messaging app itself.
Have you got a correct answer yet? Because none of the given answers helps with the remaining "softer" vibration... I need that hel too! Thx
More precisely, I would like to keep the phone call vibration on, but no vibration at all for the text messaages. With my Galaxy I could do that easily. But with Z3 there is that lighter vibration remaining even though vibration mode is off in the sms app...
if your talking about messenger app like one for sms and mms then open that app up and press 3 square blocks ontop of eachother and then go to the settings from there unbox the vibration feature
you can also check in settings ---> Sound area i think it is where it shall have something about vibration.