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hi sony
today in the morning i got an update on sony update center app but while download it is showing following error.
I am also facing the same problem 'Update Center 2.2.1.A.0.5: Could not download' with my Xperia T2 Ultra from today morning. Its not showin clear option in the Notifications. Please solve it ASAP
Same problem here. I am usung T2 Ultra Dual. All i did is to clear the notification by clearing the cache and the app data for the update center. Tried to download the update using WiFi and 3G and still have the same problem.
even i am having the same problem. using T2 Ultra with Android 4.4.2
same problem here .
same here
I also had problem with this. please fix ASAP Sony. we are getting disapointed with your products.
same here.
please fix it.
updated and issue fixed