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Various teething problems with X10

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Various teething problems with X10

Hi there,

I've recently upgraded to the Xperia X10 and amongst many things there are a few stubborn problems that i just don't seem to be able to remedy, and i've even emailed SE directly and they just fobbed me off and told me to enact a data reset, which hasn't solved anything. I wondered if anyone here might be able to suggest something for the following problems:

  whenever I use the phone it seems to keep changing to the rectangular landscape view when I would like it to remain as portrait, and there doesnt seem to be any logical button or area to press to stop this or revert it back to portrait 

- Several times now I have typed slightly long text messages and when I have tried to send it it wont go. A small envelope with a red timer shows on the message and then eventually after about 45 minutes it shows as not having sent. Only if I wait till the next day or type the whole message again it just wont send? 

- Somehow my keyboard has changed to Japanese and I want to change it back to English format but I do not know how 

- My 3G is useless, it keeps disappearing even when I know I am in area where there is a perfectly good signal  even if I turn my phone on and off this does not remedy the problem 


I would be grateful if you could try to help me with these issues.

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Ok. For your first question about portrait vs. landscape, you can go to Settings > Sound & Display, scroll to the bottom of the screen. There will be a checkbox that is next to Orientation, uncheck that and your phone will remain in Portrait no matter what orientation you have the phone in.

To change your keyboard back to English, long press on any text box and select Input Method, then select Standard Keyboard or Android keyboard (whichever you want) and that should set it back to an English keyboard for you.

As for you 3G problem, I'm not sure what to tell you. For you text messages question, I have a question for you; do your long texts include pictures or anything? I've sent long texts before and it usually takes a bit longer but they will still get sent. You could try getting another SMS app from the Market and see if that helps (Handcent SMS is a good place to start). Anyway, I hope this helps. Let us know how this works out for you.

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Hey, thanks very much for that. The first two things have hopefully stopped a lot of frustration now. I just didn't know where to look.

Regards the long messages, I've only written a couple of excessively long messages since i got the phone and it's happened on both occasions. No pictures, no media or anything like that, just text. I wondered if maybe there was a setting or something for that i needed to change too but obviously not.

GPS...Well, I understand it's the difficult one. I just notice it happening randomly, in places where i know for a fact a signal is good. And when it goes, it really seems to go for a while....

Anyway, listen - i really appreciate the help....thanks

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You're welcome.

With regards to long messages, I believe that we are limited to 160 characters in a message, so if you are going over this, that might explain why they aren't going through. If this is not the case, I don't know what else to tell you. The GPS/3G thing sounds very weird, hopefully you get that figured out. Hope this helps!

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Iv just got the x10 and thanks for the help with the japanese keyboard but the gps/ internet is my other problem too!

sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt lol x