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Hi there,
I'm an avid Xperia fan; had the T for 2 years, and recently upgraded to Z3 - great phone, no complaints, but there is something I'd like Sony to address.
The Warning/Tips messages that display occasionally, like the 'Swipe down to escape full screen' in the Album app, or the Music Volume warning that automatically turns the volume down.
I know these are reasonable warnings, but there is a time when I am aware of these issues, and no longer wish to receive them. For example, when I was using quieter headphones for my Xperia T, the volume control would essentially mute the music.
I think a good idea would be to have warnings appear 3-5 times before an option apears in the settings to disable it.
I know there are other warnings that can be turned off, that people would like to see appear again. I think a Warning Display Menu would solve this problem, with options to enable and disable different warnings after they have been received and remembered.
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Glad to hear that you like your Z3 and thanks for the feedback.
As i understand it, the information about swiping down will only be shown a few times. If you press "OK" on this it will no longer be displayed. At least that's how it works for me when i test here.
But i'm not sure if we can remove the warning about the volume. I believe there are some regulations about this.
Immersive mode warning is a part of Android operating system.
It will appear once in every application you run. First party apps can suppress that warning. Thrid party not.
When you first run an app it will show that message. It will not appear again until you enter panic mode. Panic is a situation when you turn screen off in full screen mode and get it back on within five seconds. Next time you enter full screen the warning will appear.
Wish the full screen mode was on every application. I sometimes press home screen botton when playing a game