Xperia Z3 Compact GPS Not Working


Xperia Z3 Compact GPS Not Working

I did diagnostics on Z3 compact but gps failed. Followed the instruction but nothing happened. Fix this sony.
125 REPLIES 125

I had the same problem as other described in this thread. Reset the phone to factory settings, reinstalled software etc - no good.

Finally did the hardware workaround by inserting a charging cable and jiggling the connector and - there you go - I have GPS working perfectly again.



Interesting. I just tried what you suggested and, surprise, got GPS navigation working! Now the question(s) are: how many times will this have to be done and, how long before the USB connection quits working and you can't sync calendar any more?

Thanks for tip.


Well, no good news. The "wiggle the usb port" doesn't provide any lasting benefit. I'm leery of doing this too often.


Hi, have you had your front screen broken and issue appeared since that?



I've read this forum following my issue and within the first day of receiving my z3 compact, i updated the firmware to 6.0.1.

after installing my fave navigation app, i was disappointed to discover that location was lost almost continuously. gps test and gps status confirmed

phone bought new (sealed packaging) from HK (with receipt showing IMEI) and after looking at the Sony support site, I saw it was still under warranty till july 2017.

I opened a repair request and packaging duly arrived. I had notification that it had arrived with Sony 2 days later, and then 3 HOURS LATER, a 'quotation':

this quotation said that my NEW phone was 'BEYOND ECONOMIC REPAIR' and they proposed a replacement ('equivalent device'- not saying what device or what 'warranty' it would have). for the princely cost of more than 260 euros.

i tried to send a message on their contact us page - many times- in English and in French. doesn't work.

in short-

1. they declare the new phone to be junk (they offered kindly to recycle it for free)

2. customer service involves a sharp stick and a rude sign (bend over)

You'd better hope your new Sony phone works as any Sony warranty means less than nothing and if you have a problem you will be screwed over

this is not an honorable company and despite having owned 2 very reliable Sony Xperias over the years, I will never again use a Sony product and urge anyone considering one to reconsider very seriously.


I've noticed the same problem on my phone and tried everything but nothing helps. I will take my phone to service to see what they will say or fix the problem.


I'm having the same issue. Dead GPS.

And it saddens me thinking on getting a new phone when there's nothing wrong with this one.

I've tried deleting Google Maps cache, Google Play Services cache, removing the SIM card, downloading 3P GPS apps, restoring factory settings....etc.

Nothing seems to work for me


find a solution for this problem and stop regretting you.
Is a lot of people here without counting other people who are not on the site (problem also exists on z5 compact)



Nothing to do
The problem is HARDWARE and SONY should know

I think taht the problem is from Bent Contact of GPS antenna and Mainboard
How can we do ?



Tried a diagnostic test outside and it still failed. How can I get the GPS to working again?