Bravia KD49X83 Home Screen

Bravia KD49X83 Home Screen

Hi everyone. My first post here.


I've just bought a new KD49X83 and updated the software. I have two problems with the Home Screen.


1. I want to simplify the screen and get rid of all the 'suggestions'. I went to the Setup and unchecked all the suggestion sources, but there are still big screen icons from eBay etc. How can I get rid of them?


2. I have changed the titles for the HDMI connections, to the names of the connected equipment. But they are limted to 7 characters which is not enough for e.g. Satellite. Browsing through this forum I noticed that some users have been able to use longer names. Am I doing something wrong?  


Hi again

I'm still hoping for some help with the above points.

Also, how can I get rid of the big Netflix advert from the home screen?  It's there even if I turn off networking.

If I want to join Netflix I will - I don't want to see this great big splodge of colour evey time I go to the home screen.




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Hi there


For the first one:

Goto Setting > Home Screen > Customise Recommendation and then 'unticking' them by pressing the OK button on the remote control


My home screen is much clearer now.



Not applicable

For the second one:

7 characters is the limit for a custom name.  Some may have more due to the name being picked up by the CEC naming functions via HDMI.  i.e. Playstation 4 is more than 7 characters, but it is automatic.

Thank you Quinnicus!

I have already unchecked all the recommendations, as I said in my OP. That has helped, but it leaves quite a few on the Home Screen.

I've now started to block some of the remaining ones by checking what IP is being used by them and blocking it in the router.

But the big Netflix one is a nuisance and that seems to be in the Sony firmware because it comes up even when the TV is disconnected from the network.

I hate all these screens coming up - I thought I was buying a TV set, not an advertisement hoarding. If I want Netflix, I already know where to get it.

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Hi there


Can you take a photo of what you are meaning about Netflix - reason is, i dont have this issue on my tv and cannot seem to figure out how to 'replicate' it in order to advise further.  So a photo may assist ?



The Netflix thing didn't come back after a power reset, so I'm thinking it had remained in memory from a previous download before I turned off the network connection. I'll have another session with it over the weekend ang block its IP.


Many thanks for your help Quinnicus.