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Connecting bluetooth tx/rx Adapter through 3.5 jack/u.s.b to use Headphones

Connecting bluetooth tx/rx Adapter through 3.5 jack/u.s.b to use Headphones

I have read a few things on here but i have just had a Adapter which i connect to my 3.5 jack and powered by

the u.s.b slot as its a rechargable one,it all works and lights up but i need to set up the 3.5 jack for the sound

through Headphones only using the 3.5 jack plug then when i know its set up i can pair them to it.

I have turned Headphones on through setting but no sound even if i just put corded ones in the 3.5 jack.



Hi @jace1969,


maybe the headphone volume is turned down to 0%.


It has to be controlled trough the menu on all TVs I have owned so far and is independant from the normal volume adjustments.


Another reason could be, that your BT-adapter and the headphones you are trying to use have a TRRS connector, while they need to have a TRS-connector.


You can see the difference in the images next to this wikipedia article:




- Nic