Will my TV get a cast update past v1.2?

Will my TV get a cast update past v1.2?

Will the Sony Bravia KD-49X8307C get a cast update past v1.2? I recently purchased Google Home and would love to get it working with my TV. In order to do this I need cast v2.0 or above. Are there any plans to update this?



According to this all Bravia Android TV's are compatible with Google Home, but availability may vary by country. 


Here is a simple guide for setting up your device:


Thank you but with all due respect that does not answer my question. I have done my research and the TV cannot be compatible unless it recieves a cast update to 2.0 or higher. At present this is not the case as my TV is running cast 1.2 despite having the most recent install of android pushed out by Sony. As a result Google Home cannot commmunicate with the TV.


Afraid only Google knows this.


The care that Google has put into the platform so far has been little. Quite some apps still only work properly with a "real" Chromecast device (like for example Plex or TuneIn Radio). YouTube application is almost a year old, still not supporting HDR, often not picking the optimal resolution. Live streams still only play at 240p. All we can do is hope.


It might change when Google brings its Assistant to Android TV which is heavily interweaved with Home.


Afraid this is also not the answer you wanted to hear...


Do you mean the (system) app Google Cast Receiver? Because in Android 7.0 we have received the most recent update (according also to apkmirror) and that is version 1.24.89383. Unless it is something else I am not sure where that version 2.0 comes from. Unless, sure, 2.0 is what is installed in Chrome Cast, and this is yet another awful trick from Google to push people buying it..


from google support page......

TVs and speakers with Chromecast built-in. Note: TVs and speakers with Chromecast built-in and Android TVs must be using Cast version 1.21+.