Writing on USB disks impossible on Marshmallow


Writing on USB disks impossible on Marshmallow

So, after spending fair amount of time with 625 different file managers I found out that this just does not work. Even the apps that ask for permission can't get one because we are never presented with this or something like this



but file commander and other show this as a helper



but it leads to nowhere because the chooser from above never opens. There's no way to grant permission, it always end with some error. And the only meaningful one is from x-plorer that tells me this :

"no activity found to handle intent {act=android.intent.action.open_document_tree (has extras)}"


Please HELP!



There's nothing you can do. And the worst part is that even nougat didn't fix this.


There's one thing we all can and MUST do: contact Sony Support (*) and let them know how big the problem is, how unhappy customers are with it and how much it hurts the brand image.




+44 (0) 2073652810
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 18:00.


Hello, My Sony TV upgraded a month ago to Marshmallow and I'm absolutely gutted that I can no longer record to a usb hard drive or memory stick. Sony has managed to make my TV useless for the purpose that I bought it for. ie Recording TV programs to watch later.

This was my number 1 priority when I went to purchase a new TV - it had to be able to record without using external boxes etc. It did work previously but Sony has taken that away from me with this upgrade. How can they get away with this. How can a manufacturer disable, after purchase, a feature that was the main reason for purchasing that particular make and model. How can they get away with supplying upgrades that cannot be rolled back? I am disgusted with the attitude of Sony and the way they have treated customers. There are many aspects of this TV that are no longer "Fit for purpose". It now crashes, shuts down, "Content bar has stopped working", it triggers the ARC HDMI (which fires up my soundbar) at random times( middle of the night)  etc unless I physically unplug the TV. It worked reasonably well before the Marshmallow upgrade. I have seen NO benefits from the upgrade and a large number of problems. Will Sony have the guts to contact me direct about this? I doubt it!


I upgraded my 55XE9305 tv to latest Android 7.0 and still cant write to USB Disks.


yeah, we know that :angry_devil:


Hello everyone, 


Firstly, I have been expirencing the same problems as everyone else on here. Can't write to external drive. Having to mount hard drive as internal memory and then migrate all apps to external drive, this then results in the drive being ejected by the tv at some point for absolutely no reason at all and all my apps are subsequently lost. I have also had issues where the hard drive mounted as internal memory suddenly becomes read only meaning I can't install or uninstall any apps.


The whole situation is very annoying and I have been in contact with Sony for months now. 


However I have come up with a way to get write permission back in order to write to an external drive. I downloaded an app called "JS USB OTG". Using this app, I can mount the external hard drive as OTG and transfer data to it using any file manager. I'm sure it will also work for apps that need to write information to a drive if the app in question is directed there.


I really hope this helps




Okay, update, I have been able to write to my external drive without any issues so far, however I am finding it difficult to get apps to write their data to the drive. The issue is that when I use the drop down bar to select the destination I cannot locate the correct path to the external drive yet when I go back to use a file manager the drive is there and can be written to. 


After performing a "recommended" Sony update from a perfectly working Android Lollipop 5.1.1 OS TV software to the current Nougat 7.0, it now fails to grant write permissions to attached USB drives. All file manager apps and many others need this to open and perform correctly. I saved up a long time and bought my new TV, XBR-65X850C, to mainly use it to write to and use files and apps that are on the attached USB drives. Now you broke this function with your update and I cannot use my TV as intended as I have since I bought it! Please inform me how to fix this error that was written into the new OS code back to functioning properly again.


Guess what? Oreo can't write NTFS and exFAT at all anymore. Only FAT32.. *****?