Yes, it's the PRS-650 lurgy AGAIN...

Yes, it's the PRS-650 lurgy AGAIN...

Blimey......... (putting it mildly)

Things were going fairly swimmingly, having boldly purchased 2 books, both found way to device.

Then thought a free "Treasure Island" would be nice.


For some reason, the PC Library threw a wobbly.

It refused to "accept" my first free d/load of  'T.Islnd'. from Sony recommended site.

Then I tried a different  provider. Still no joy - both d/loads were in my 'd/load' box, and trying to drag from box to      Reader "Library" panel resulted in a "no go "logo (like an end of speed limit sign) superimposed on the title, and no success.

So I remembered I had no problems with the bought ebooks, bought 'T. Islnd' from Smiths for .60p. They have sent it, I haven't got it - as far as I can see - not in my d/loads box (should I look somewhere else ? )

I then realised I had another "freebie" I overlooked from my very early experiments ,in the d/load box, tried to move that - no joy.

Right clicking on the titles, or indeed anything, in the box refuses to bring up any  "extract/Open

containing folder etc..'"  facility to mess about with.

( have fired off uncomplimentary email to Sony, fat lot of good that'do)

And how come FAQ's never address any Q's I never want to know? AND is the Sony W/site the slowest in the world or what ?! Sorry, will desist.

Any ideas anyone please?

Should I perhaps install the Calibre software ?    Is that any easier/more reliable/sensible/easy

to understand ?


Hi Carpetmojo

Can you let me into how you solved the syn problem.

I have just purchased the PRS650 for my mother who is 85 and I am doing the book loading for her, but I keep on getting syn and no further after I have loaded the first set of books.



Hello NewtoEreader .

Sorry for delay, server crashed ! That was fun.....................

Anyway, if you refer to "queenofpuddings" post [ 26/12/2010 ]  (post's page 3 I believe), the general subject is all there in glorious Sony colour at great length !

Proper experts helped us all solve it, and my "techy yoof" as Qof P succinctly put it, contributed, so here was my contribution  :-


"Written on                                  01-Jan-2011 22:43

Can't get books to go into Library

Hi Q of P  - a tech-illiterete's version of wot I've done thanks to son ! Hope it's right, worked for me. I'm also XP.

Plug in Reader/PRS.

(Open Reader, and MyDocs, or where-ever books are, and minimise them so theres room to deal with both)

Find your ZIP file with the books you've d/loaded.

Rt clik the ZIP logo, and hit "Extract all."

The   WizArd should pop up, hit "Next", & again, wait for extraction to   finish (watch bar), then hit finish when it's available.

Reader Folder/panel should pop showing title/s .

Drag title over to  small "Library panel (top L). If more than one, hit bottom title, then top title, & drag the lot over.

WAIT (" Status" can be checked if you want.)

When the Status shows finished, they should be on the PRS.

I do hope that makes sense !

Good luck. "


Running through it all again, I realise it is  a sort of non-tech's version of the ever-helpful Thalamus'  advice.

I'm sure if you have a look through the whole post, it'll generaly help you get on track - I'm fair whistling through the

Fool that I am.

Hope it helps,   good luck,  carpetmojo.

P.S. After not being on line for a few days, is it my imagination, or has the Sony site got even slower ?!

Hi Carpetmojo

Many Thanks for the info have not tried it yet as I have given the  reader to my mother with some free classic books on, managed to load 330 books with some difficulty.  So will let her use it for a while and will keep your solution ready for  when I upload the next batch of books.

I have used the site in the past for other products and agree it does seem to be getting slower.

Thanks again


If you want to manage you Sony Ereader without all the hassle and annoyance with the Sony software the just download CALIBRE ......

Compared to the Sony software it's a real high-flyer ... so SIMPLE --- and LOTS of functionality..

Software conversion possibilities, edit books and titles, easy administration of what you want on the Reader.

When my wife got her PRS600 a year ago I got sooooooo frustrated and a quick scan on the internet showed me my frustrations were shared by almost EVERYONE... and the solution to getting a lower bloodpressure was CALIBRE.

One used you'll never think of using another software ... it's GREAT.

p.s. Just got my PRS650 today ... and love the screen ... lots clearer than the 600 - shame the 950 is so expensive, I'd have preferred to be able to have two pages visible in landscape mode .. but not for that price.

" IT GETS BETTER..... "  :thinking:

Mmmm... rather depends on your definition of "Better" .................... :angry:

I'm now on my 3rd new password in 24 hrs - and this one works !  :slight_smile:

( Roger, I did try your trick - and got sent  to  "Shops", which was nice. Tried to go back, and, even more excitingly, got sent to "Products".

You must have Dark Powers...   :cool:  )

Anyway, it's all too much for me I'm afraid, too much of a good thing..................etc.

(I fear it's time for the old darkened room with soothing wave sounds & cucumber slices over me eyes.}

( Incidentally, if Sony do spot this, could I be bold enough to suggest they have a peek at the "AV Forum" website, an excellent Help site for practically all things techy (no Readers as yet, sadly) - even for tech-idiots like me.  :smileymischief:

I think it is a superb example of a " Forum"- type site that is well laid out, easy to use, full of helpful experts like Thalamus, very comprehensive, efficient, and, above all, monster  fast ! )  :neutral:

Hi roaminnl - interesting to see your comments, I've a 650, agree , it's great, and I use Calibre whenever I have a doubt with the Sony s/ware. I think I may go over completely though.

I also noted your comments on the 900 - out of curiosity, concerning models, are you outside UK , or Europe even ?  I thought the 900 wasn't available in UK , so can it be obtained in Europe, or is you Stateside / Oz / NZ etc... ?


I'm an ex-pat living in Holland ... you can order the 950 though eas-ereader for a measly 399€ :smileyshocked:... I'll never pay that ... but they go for about 100€ less on German e-bay. (shipping costs aren't that much)

However buying it from the States is obviously the cheapest way, even considering you have to pay VAT ... if you have a friend on vacation, there's no shipping.

Shipping costs from USA are totally ridiculous these days.

For the cost of a faily small parcel, I could get a return flight on a budget airline :smileylaugh:.

I had a look in Dubai, Kuala Lupur and Singapore recently .. they do not sell ANY Sony ereaders in Malaysia (strange) and at Dubai they only had the PRS-600 and that was (duty free haha) 30% more expensive than I could buy it over the counter here. (Dubai was a total ripoff on everything I looked at.)

Once I tried Calibre I completely deleted the Sony software from my laptop .. it was a complete waste of space ..:smileycool:.

Message was edited by: -frank-

Mod edited (read deleted) last paragraph due to mention of downloading ebooks via p2p. Mods said it's illegal ... however it's bit strange it being edited because although what I was doing may be illegal (however for personal use I believe the legal challenges have failed ), I don't feel its in terms of references to edit it here in a message .. because mentioning it ISN'T illegal.

I think that the censoring of that is going too far... a bit like China ...

Message was edited by: roaminnl