RDR.. Issues (May 2014) - MASTER THREAD


RDR.. Issues (May 2014) - MASTER THREAD

Friday 23rd May approx 19:00 attempted to turn on DVD recorder RDR-HXD995. Seemed reluctant to power on from remote (and when pressing power on on unit itself) as in UPDATE mode. Finally after switching power off at the wall a few times, managed to get it to respond. However when a channel is selected, it displays for a short while and then the screen goes blank. Also, a programme which was set to record, has not recorded.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem - is this July all over again or is it just me?

Any help/advise would be appreciated.


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Oh thank god - I thought my machine was broken! HXD-970 owner here, really don't want it to die! Channels drop out after a few seconds and it completely froze once last night. 


I see it happened before. I do remember once coming back and it was stuck one update and I had to pull the plug - perhaps that was the July one then. Looking at it now it is stuck on update again. Do I wait or pull the plug again?


Press and hold the On/Off button till it discontinues the update. The recorder should start then and you can try the work-around if you want.


I tried holding down the on/off button but after it reset it returned to update mode. I found that if I held the on/off button down for the reset period 5 secs but then clicked it quickly again as soon as it had reset to showing just the time, then the welcome message came on and it powered up as normal albeit still with the problem of lost EPG and not transmitting digital channels.


I was then able to retune to 'France' which recovered the channels and connections but not the EPG. However I can now use the device for manual recording as an interim solution. If Sony are thinking it is about time I replaced this recorder they may be right but don't they also realise that I wouldn't be choosing a Sony next time.


I have come to rely on the EPG recording facility but having gone to France (!) I have tested the manual record pressing the record button on the remote and that works fine - O.K. if you are at home when the programme you want to record is on. I'm also going to try manually setting the timer to record a programme but see no reason why that shouldn't work. So whilst not as quick as the usual method atleast I can record progs.



We are fortunate to have this forum to share issues and resolve them as far as we can but it would be nice if Sony responded. As you say it may not be an issue they can resolve and they may need to contact the EPG provider but they could tell us that, and possibly give an estimated fix time. That would be excellent customer service which afterall is what we all aspire to. Communication is key, and would help avoid reputational damage.


Have got question why this has happened again? Less than a year after the same issue!


Thanks for writing the fix for the stuck in Update mode, I had that this monrning and had tried everything else. So I am back up and running and like everyone else I have re-set to France.


Strangley enough I have another RDR-HXD980 which is not used often, swithced it on this morning and it did display Update for a couple of seconds, but it is fine, not issues records and dislays all the channels as UK.

Not applicable

Hi all


There is no additional info to report this morning.  Just to re-iternate, Sony have been contacted and they are fully aware of the issue/problem and they are treating this with urgency. 




Yes, I've got exactly the same issue, Yesterdaythe EPG gept dropping out and channels would just stop and display after less than a minute. Tried all resets and back to factory settings with no result. This morning my HXD870 was stuck in update. Hard reset again and set up from scatch. No success.

I can't believe that Sony have allowed this to happen again after the problems last time

A fix is required as soon as possible please Sony. I guess it will be a firmware upgrade like last time as th overnight update is just gettinng stuck now.


I seem to remember similar anomalies last time and also some other machines like pioneer because they were made by sony