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SVR-HDT 1000

SVR-HDT 1000

I'm having problems with freeview HD reception on this hard disk recorder - I've had it for about 18 months and it has the latest version of the software. The recorder is in my living room - I have a Sony TV in the bedroom with in-built freeview HD and I'm having no problems with that. 

The TV aerial is in the loft (we are very high up so it doesn't need to be external - no one in the area has an external aerial). The aerial is fed via a sky box, then through the SVR-HDT 1000 to an amplifier which sends the signal around the house - the amplifier is only there to send the signal - it doesn't need amplifying.

The problem started about 4 weeks ago just before the new HD channels launched - the picture was breaking up/pixellating. I assumed that it might be something to do with work at the transmitter (Sutton Coldfield) associated with the new channels. However the problem has persisted. I have had a new aerial installed. The old HD channels (101-105) are showing signal strength of 80-90 and quality of 60-70. The new channels have signal strength 100 and quality of 80-85. I was initially only having problems with the new channels and I fitted an attenuator because I thought the strength might be too high but this made no difference so I've removed it. The problem occurs usually (but not exclusively) in the evenings and when this is happening the quality on affected channels can be as low as 0 even though the strength is still showing as 100!

I have tried directing the signal directly to the SVR-HDT 1000 and via the amplifier and it makes no difference.

In all of this the TV in the bedroom is showing freeview HD without any problems and as the signal is coming from the same source and via the same route I'm thinking it must be a problem with the hard disk recorder. Hopefully someone out there can give me some ideas on how I moght be able to solve this problem. 

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Hi there


The SVR-HDT recorders do require a higher signal quality/strength than other equipment for them to function correctly.  I have the HDT500.  Unfortunately things can be very hard to resolve when it goes wrong.  I see that you have done quite alot of experimenting already. 


As a test, have you tried using the recorder closest to the cable-run as possible (ie without any secondary cables going into it and even out of it)?


Also, I have been looking at the website - and their are 2 interesting posts on the 22nd/23rd December by "Paul K"



rather odd this, you say you have a new digital aerial installed and that you are in a strong signal area and yet you still feel compelled to use an amplifier!, two things i would suggest one ditch the amplifier and two check the alignment of the new aerial, pay particular attention to the connections/plugs etc, be sure no strands are touching the centre core of the aerial cable, there may be one other thing you could try and thats re setting the SVR.

thats all i have at this point.

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I'll add another bit for "food for though".  Missed it the first time reading.


0 Signal quality in the evening.


Signal Quality is basically the amount of errors received/introduced in the signal (all the way up the the device itself).  Basically its noise or interferrence. 


Now in the evening, do you (or even your neighbours) have other equipment you switch on?  It could even be wifi interference.  A suggestion is to use decent shielded cables.  And as Bravia55... said above, check connections are secure, and cables are not in poor condition.

Many thanks for your replies.

In response to Bravia55HX953, the only reason for having an amplifier is to send the signal around the house to kitchen and bedrooms. I know that the signal is pretty strong in this area but when my daughter was at home she had a VCR in her bedroom and I wouldn't have wanted to rely on an indoor aerial plus we had built on disabled accommodation for my father and he also needed to be able to watch TV. When I first had this problem 4 weeks or so ago the signal was being fed via the amplifier however I have changed this and it now goes directly to the Sky box and then to the SVR-HDT 1000 and then to the amplifier so the SVR HDT 1000 is not getting it's signal from the amplifier so I don't think that could be causing the problem (other than it might be the source of interference albeit has been in the system for a number of years without causing a problem). The new aerial was installed by a professional installer so I've no reason to question it - it certainly looks to be correctly installed and the signal strength did increase following installation. I've also reset the box back to the factory settings - this has made no difference to the problem.

In response to Quinnicus, I have also fed the signal directly through the SVR HDT1000 before the sky box and this also made no difference. I think I had pretty much arrived at the conclusion that the problem was either a) a problem with the SVR HDT 1000 b) a problem with cabling c) a problem with interference or d) a combination of b) and c)

In respect of a) I posted this message because I have a vague recollection of having read of this sort of problem on another forum when freeview HD first launched and the answer to that was that there was a problem with the box - I can't recall what the box was (probably Humax or youview) but I thought that may be Sony were suffering similar problems - I do have the latest software installed

In respect of b) I will change the cabling but I'm not particularly hopeful because the TV in the bedroom is not experiencing any problems and it is being fed via the SVR HDT 1000 (through the amplifier) which would suggest it's not a problem with cabling but, as you say, the SVR may be particularly sensitive.

In respect of c) I don't have any new equipment or equipment which only switches on in the evening so I'm struggling to think which piece of equipment it might be. I wouldn't completely discount the neighbours but I live in a detached property so I think it's less likely and I don't see what I could do about it if it were neighbours equipment. I do have a blu-ray player, a DVD recorder and a Sony Home cinema system sitting under the TV (the signal isn't fed though any of these) along with the Sky box and the SVR HDT 1000 so there is rather a lot of wiring which could be causing the problem, but again, none of this is new and it hasn't previously caused an issue.

My proposed course of action is

1) to move the SVR HDT 1000 to the bedroom for a day or so - if it works OK there then it's not a problem with the box 

2) Change the cabling - any suggestions about the best type of cabling would be welcomed

3) Even though I don't know the source of the interference is there anything I could buy which would deal with it?

4) Remove the blu-ray player, DVD recorder and the Home cinema system completely so that there is only the Sky box and the SVR HDT 1000 under the TV.


I do appreciate you guys taking the time to read this - I'm sure you will understand my frustration as anyone with an interest in consumer electronics must have problems from time to time.

I have to say that I'm pretty disappointed about all of this because I'm seeing the likely outcome as I won't be able to rely on the SVR HDT 1000 and that I will have to purchase another box but none of the mainstream electronics companies seem very interested in recording TV programmes - Sky/TIVO boxes with record/watch/delete seem to have taken over but I want to be able to archive stuff. I don't think that Sony have introduced another TV recorder and seeing as this one is a couple of years old it doesn't appear as though they are very interested in this part of the market. I understand that Panasonic do have a blu-ray/freeview recorder which I could buy but I think that's also been on the market for some time and, of course, there's no certainty that wouldn't have reception problems. What are folks like me who want to record/archive TV programmes supposed to do?

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Hi there


I can fully understand your frustration at this issue.  Before I go any further, I have heard no other reports about your issue.  So at this stage, I can only assume that its related to you.  I also have the HDT500 (and so has my mum), and both work correctly.  Although we have not go the new muxes yet for the next rollout of HD channels.


As it currently stands, there will be no new firmware released with this recorder (unless an major incident occurs). 


In regards to achieving recordings for later, this is an issue.  All recordings on the recorder are encrypted with a unique key.  Therefore recordings cannot play back on other devices.  Even the same model recorder.  Therefore, when it dies or you replace it, recordings are lost (as they are not transferrable).


Sony has not released another model, and at this stage, as you pointed out, seems its a market that is forgotten about.  Many are now using catchup streaming services instead.


Now onto your issue:

I guess the only real way to confirm if it is indeed the recorder or your setup, is to give the recorder to a friend/family member for a week or so (who are on the same transmitter and on another transmitter), and get them to use it.  If it works for them without issue, therefore its an issue with your setup.


Also, if you are feeding an aerial cable into the recorder as well as OUT of the recorder, remove that.  I have found that i get a better signal by using a simple T splitter from the socket on the wall, than using the recorder as a loop.  Does that make sense?


In regards to aerial cables, use the ones that are shielded, as this "should" at least help. For example.


Also worth having a look at :  (just incase)



Many thanks for your response and to conclude this issue:

a) I tried the box upstairs and the problem persisted

b) I removed the RF out cable and the problem persisted

c) I removed all other equipment (Blu-ray player, Home cinema kit, Sky box) so that only the SVR-HDT 1000 and the TV were in the system and the problem persisted

d) I tried the upstairs TV (the one with in-built freeview HD) downstairs and it worked fine.

This led me to the conclusion that the problem was with the box and that it was too sensitive so I went out and bought the Panasonic blu-ray recorder and this has worked fine since last Thursday.

I don't think that this can be considered a satisfactory resolution because I had to buy another piece of kit and from a rival manufacturer. I can't see the point of a piece of TV viewing equipment that is so sensitive that it is unable to display pictures!!


Anyway, as I said, thanks for your replies

PS also bought a 4G interference reducing device and that also made no difference
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Thank you for the update, its always nice to know whether or how the problem was resolved (one way or another anyhow).  Its a shame that you could not get it working correctly on your setup.