Sim Card Removed. Shutting Down


Sim Card Removed. Shutting Down

Hi Everyone,

I am using Xperia Ion for last six months with a same sim card. All of a sudden today am experiencing a wierd porblem. I am getting a notification like "Sim card removed" and the phone says"Shutting Down" but it actually restarts. After it's restarted, everything is normal and I am able to send sms and make calls. But only for sometime. After few minutes am again getting "sim card removed" notification and phone restarts. Whats the problem here? any solution for this. I am sure there is no problem with sim card.

Android Version: 4.0.4

Build Number: 6.1.e.2.68

Please help. Thanks in advance


are you having a good network signal? if not please try switching to another frequency. settings>mobile networks


To confirm there is no problem with the SIM please either try another SIM in your phone or your SIM in another phone.

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Thank you for the reply. there is no problem with the sim. I switched off the mobile and removed the top part of the back panel card . Sim card was slightly ejected out of the slot. i removed and inserted deep inside the slot and everything works fine now. Thanks again for the reply


"Sim Card Removed. Shutting Down"

hi just bought xperia ultra z a week ago, im experiencing the sameproblem, it always shuts down by itself. 

what seems tobe the problem here? my sim is ok with other handsets


It seems that no one found how to fix this problem..... So... I just need to know what will happen next
Is it going to shut down forever... or its OK
That I will just have to live with this prob

Yeah so mine is Sony Xperia C5 Ultra,its keeps saying `sim card is removed,shutting down´and when I could finally get the SGP-M1(im M1)signal,i call someone or message,it will say `sim card removed,restarting' and this goes on continuosly

Its nothing a serious problem Dont be shock its Just a bug ERROR. 

but why this happen ?

1.It is a error issue happen whenever you recharge your xperia Z phone by unknown type charger and those charger gives your phone a harmful system voltage thatmeans occur ERROR to your phone both software and hardware for that a bad network service gives your phone earlier.

Extra method :- All of our electronics accessories run by voltage changing system into it but when we manually entired a deferent type of voltage its system do crash and ERROR happens something.

2.Whenever you gives your phone a Flight Mode option in 5.0 version of your xperia Z a bug ERROR Voltage enter into you phones system hardware area and manually do ERROR     by this  your phone restart again and again    for that i suggest android 4.4.4 version that will release overheating problem.

3. Sometimes xperia Z showing "Sim card removed shuuting down" . It is a small piece of problem to solve this just open your phone back cover than remove battery from mother board than remove display flex cable than remove every flex cable from mother board and than try to remove  the motherboard  from your phone body than follow the sim tray for notice that any pin is out from the line if found repair it next wash every area of motherboard by Thinner and rebuild it into body and connect every cable than connect battery than power on your phone with sim card hope solve.


I have started getting this problem too, but on the Z5 dual model E6633. But it doesn't have a battery I can take out to follow the instructions given.

The phone is only 12 months old, but the constant switching on and off (probably once every two or three minutes) is draining my battery.

Would getting a new SIM card sort out this problem, or should I send my phone back?