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Help- how to access English Qriocity in France?

Help- how to access English Qriocity in France?

Hello, we are English residents in France and bought a Sony Bravia KDL32EX500 with wifi internet access primarily to access video on demand. Problem, Qriocity will only allow access to French dubbed films, have tried registering tv and Qriocity account in France and at our uk address but no joy there.  Can do it via pc using itunes (if they can do it why can't Sony?) and can access iplayer via pc with ip shield but makes a nonsense of this lovely tv. Does anyone know how we might be able to access English Qriocity here in France?


So exactly the same geofiltering which is being deployed by the BBC and circumvented by IP Shield is also used by Qriocity to determine what country you are in and also in some cases the rights to particular movies. On the basis they assume if someone is in France, they would most likely want the movie in French by default.

Whilst the TV has limited proxy functionality, my guess is you would have to change something at a router level - but as Qriocity is one of our own services, I think it would be innapropriate for me to assist further on this one I'm afraid.


Thank for this, it would seem it is as we suspected. For the record it seems bizarre that we cannot legitimately purchase a product that is installed in the TV that we have legitimately bought but in a language that we can understand, especialy when others (itunes)have no such limitations.

Are you referring to music or video via iTunes store as video seemingly has the same limitation as Qriocity

This is down to studio licensing pricipally I think..

Hello again, am referring to video - we can purchase here in France without routers or proxies the full range of English titles and stream them no problem, the pain is that they must go through the pc with all the cabling etc rigged up to the tv. The thread you show is over a year old - perhaps Apple have addressed this problem? Thank you for taking the time to investigate - let me know if you have any other bright ideas.