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F13 Series whining / whistling noise

F13 Series whining / whistling noise


Just purchased this laptop and their is an intermittent whining / whistling noise which to me seems to be coming from the CPU fan.

I spoke to VAIO technical and they told me to reset the BIOS to default which I did. All VAIO and windows updates have also been done but no difference.

Someone on you tube suggested changing the setting for the microphone which I did but again no difference.

I would be grateful for any suggestions! Is this normal for an intel i7 processor?

Many thanks for your kind help!


There is an article on the support pages for your model that gives a fix for this problem.  It seems that the noise is produced by the CPU itself when it enters a low power state.


Hi Blencogo

Thank you for getting back to me! I followed the link that you posted and one way of describing the noise that I am hearing on my laptop would possibly be a light high frequency noise as mentioned in the link.

However the noise is their even when the laptop is plugged into the mains. And the link is mentioning the noise when the laptop is using the battery.

As mentioned on the link their will be a BIOS update soon for the F13 so I will update this and see what happens.

My only concern is that it does not sort the problem out. A google search on this fan noise issue will show many people making comments about this noise!

Any suggestions would be welcome by anyone!

Thank you

Hi there,

I've just bought the Vaio VPC-F13Z1E/B and I have the same problem.

I have no application open and when I open something (anything), I can hear (I think) the CPU fan start working.

When I open some more applications (let's say Windows explorer, Windows update and a game from facebook, the fan goes on working more and more as long as the applications are open.

Imagine the sound you hear from a PC, when the CPU load is 100%, but in my case, the CPU load never exceeds 20%.

OK, when you listen to music at the same time you cannot hear the fan noise, but I don't know what will happen with the fan or the CPU after some months of laptop use.

From SONY initially they told me about the BIOS update, but the problem is the same on battery or on power supply socket.

Then they told me that for SONY the noise is acceptable (without actually having understood what I really mean).

Anyway, I'll wait for the BIOS update and check again.

Note that after some time of operation, the part of the desk (where the laptop is on) on the left of the laptop's fan, is a little hot.

Any reply to my post is welcome.



Hi again,

I compared the noise of the CPU fan after disconnecting the prower cable and leaving the laptop on battery and the fan was working slower (the noise was not so heavy but still there).


I don't know......