
KD-55XD8577SU - how do I install apps like Mobdro?

Hi Guys,

I've just bought a Sony KD-55XD8577, mainly for watching sports & films,

Having done some research & spoken to several sales people, my main reason for purchasing this TV was that I could easily add as many apps as I wanted because it's Android O/S, that there are literally thousands of apps in the Google Store + other places & that I could install the likes of Mobdro; Showbox & many others that I commonly use....

But, I'm finding that this isn't the case.... unless someone can advise me different...

I've figured out how to add apps through the Google Store & Opera TV Store, but I thought I would be able to install what I wanted, not what Sony tell me I want....

My wife is shouting at me (big-time) for spending money we can ill-afford on this if it's not going to do what 'we' want 😞


P.S. sorry if I'm duplicating this post, thought I'd posted yesterday but can't find it anywhere!

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