
Sony KD-55X8005C today's update has locked my TV into an infinite boot loop.

It just flashes up Sony, 15 seconds later 4 swirly coloured circles appear, they last for about 33 seconds, black screen, back to Sony logo. Repeat ad infinitum.


I can not get to any menu or information screen, as all it shows is those 4 circles before restarting.


Initital Info screen said it might take 30 minutes, I waited over an hour and a half for it to complete before turning the TV off at the wall. Left it 20, turned it on, Same boot cycle for 40 mins.

Turned it off, AND my router, left it 15, turned on, same infinite cycle.


Tried holding up on the remote and press the TV's power button, no  dice. Any advice please?

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