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Playstation support false accusation - urgent help needed!



My PSN account was recently suspended for 7 days. The email notifying me of this unjust action states the following:


"Hate speech or other hateful content including racism, sexism, xenophobia, or hate directed at religious beliefs, cultural identity, gender identity, or sexual orientation."


This is quite simply a false accusation. Not only is it blatant defamation of character, it's not true at all. I haven't sent any messages. I have not been racist, sexist, xenophobic or homophobic at any point. This is just not true. Hopefully an agent replies to this thread promptly so the situation can be resolved. I'm shocked and offended that I have been falsely accused of such disgusting actions, with absolutely no proof of them at all. I'm a loyal paying customer of sony and playstation, and for them to accuse me of these acts is very upsetting.


I look forward to getting a prompt response, 



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