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Add a photo to a contact

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Add a photo to a contact

I know i can do the process on the phone, by taggin someone from a photo on the smart card.
However, i want use the photo tags that i have previously created on picasa 3.
I want basically import my friends from picasa desktop and relate them to a contact that i have on the phone.
That can be done?

Not sure if its the same but on Facebook you view the individual photo then it gives you a 'Set as' button at the top that looks like the phone talking to you not the Facebook app.  Is it the same on Picassa?

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I afraid not.

I tried to tag the photos on web picasa on my desktop and then view the picasa album on the x10 but the tags didn't showed up.

Any other ideas?

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And the Media Go don't recognise peoples faces or name tags.

So what should i do?


Just had a quick google and there seems to be a good old rant about Picassa having this very problem on

Sorry that my suggestion didn't help.  Not sure that there is an easy way short of copying the pictures on to your sd card and then using them as contact image from the phone.

Good luck!!!