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Android 4.3 Update. BUGS.


Android 4.3 Update. BUGS.

After the update, and using the new 4.3 on my Xperia M, i've detected some bugs. Please share yours too.

- Google Now using home button. Only works one or two times then it stops working. 

- Themes. No able to install. Waiting new firmware update for correction.

- Transparent clock bar and menu, sometimes dont get the transparency. Mine is black now, even after i've restore it with SUS.

- SMS. Keyboard sometimes stops and get a little bit slow while typing.

- Even with sync mode on, Gmail isnt getting emails quickly.

- Camera sometimes keeps out of focus. 

- Clear audio stops working properly. 

Songs jumping or freezing in walkman player.

- Album app trys to use full screen mode as in other versions but the notifications bar keeps poping.

- Meteo Widget. Font type sometimes changes to a smaller one, than a bigger one when moving from one screen to another.


(all this problems weren't solved witj Pc companion or SUS restore)



I haven't noticed most of the problems here but after the update my headphone jack doesn't work with any of the headphones i own (including my car tape insert) is there any word on how soon this will be fixed?

Also why did they remove the notepad widget? I use it quite alot..

hmmm here's mine too..... a big bug I guess after updating my xm to 4.3 my phone went off automatically within a week and totally refused to bootup... had to hit sony care who downgraded my xm to 4.1 as only solution.As per sony care persons it was due to 4.3 update.... So now im sure 4.3 has a automatic switch off issue(technically dont know what its called)

when i wil get the latest update? please mention date

how can i move apps to sd without rooting

I have a lot of problems with WiFi passwords being lost for no reason, not working WiFi and frequent reboots. This whole 4.3 update totally broke my phone which was pretty stable until that moment.


Half the time flash doesn't work

many bugs in the device software,very slow, sometimes stops unfortunately,switch off.

Some bugs/changes based on my experience :
1) the HDR option in the Camera was gone!
2) Can't exit from the Notes app. Doesn't close after the update!
3) don't know about others but I think the sound level changed. I cant hear the music/video sometimes after the update.
4) sometimes the phone shuts down automatically.
5) camera freezes then crashes.

in 4.3 first release unable to send any app (.apk extension files) via bluetooth until you don't zip it. this problem only in file commander integrated to 4.3 update for xmd. using other file browsers the bluetooth function comes up in list for sending apk files.

I have also updated my phone 4.3 but never faced such problems like automatically switch off or any other just not happy with the camera quality although every other feature just work fine