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Dear Sony


Dear Sony

Thanks you for having the sense to allow a complete removal of that social media tripe known as Facebook from the Z3 Compact. If only I could completely remove it from my Z1 too (both running 4.4.4).

Now all I need is a way to remove What's New, Xperia Lounge, Twitter, Drive, You Tube and all of the other crap that comes with the phone.

Why can you not just supply a phone with the basics and let the user decide what apps to install? Or at least allow the ability to completely wipe the crap from the phone. Doing so would surely increase your sales AND cut your costs?


If 3rd party company's are paying for their apps to be system apps then that's what they'll be - However to remove you need to root or if you can use a program called Debloater to freeze them and make them invisible from the apps draw


... or you can simply disable system apps, Settings -> Apps -> All Apps : Select an App and then hit DISABLE. Sony got paid to install that  but SONY has to OFFER the option to DISABLE it. And it's there!