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letter recognizer and chinese character problem X2

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letter recognizer and chinese character problem X2

1. after update service version, I can't get the keyboard and input by letter recoqnizer?? why??

2. I really need to able to type in chinese simplified character, is it possible in x2 with Mindows Mobile 6.5?

if can't, any recommedation from third party software?

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the latest update for SE X2 is R3AA035, (can check from setting>system>device information) after this update, left keyboard input format only... last time i also crazy finding many 3rd party chinese sw for my X2, but in the end... i giveup (work not stable...) but i still can read the chinese message from "slide view" (SE OS part), and download the "skyfire" from marketplace (free) to read Chinese webpage too... after this update, my phone work smoother... (but still got few problems haven't solve yet...)

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Hi 95,

Really2 love SE:-)


I did update to R3AA035 already,

and input method, become "Keyboard Input Only"

what kind of software is it? reduce so many things.

For CHinese Character,Here's some of my conversation with the agent of "Profesional SE Assistant"

ME: sir
ME: I just bought xperia x2 yesterday
ME: I just bought Xperia X2 with WM6.5 english version.
But I need to be able to type and read Chinese character in SMS and mail.
Before it, I use other brand and they give us software CE star, any solution for Sony Ericsson Xperia X2?
ME: sir
Agent: Languages are added to the phone depending on the region and market where the phone is going to be released. this is a default setting that is done before the phone hits the market, if the phone you have does not support the language there is nothing you can do at this point.
ME: yes, we in Indoneia used to use INdonesian, but we use English no problem, but we do some business with CHina and Hongkong, so, some daily SMS, should be in chinese character. should be a solution.
Agent: The phone is not compatible with that language.
ME: the phone or the WM6.5?
ME: if the phone doesn't support, its not business phone sir,
Agent: It is a business phone is just that the language that you want is not compatible.
ME: how about other software? somekind like CE Star?
Agent: No, the X2 only works with Windows mobile.
ME: ya, CE star fow windows mobile 6.5
Agent: There is no adding, deleting or editing languages in the phone.
ME: so, the conclution, no solution for chinese character in xperia x2 ya?
Agent: Correct.
ME: ok, i should change to other product, any customer warranty for xperia x2? i just bought yesterday.
ME: i think that I did wrong to buy this xperia x2
Agent: You can go to where you bought the phone for that information. If you just bought it yesterday they should take it back.
ME: ok, thanks a lot sir
Agent: Thank you for contacting Sony Ericsson. If you require more information about our products please visit

In INdonesia? how come to take it back to the supplier?? so stupid ya?

HI SE team, any solution???

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no commend with the conversation (funny)???

then hope thay hear you and wish next upgrade they will "put" back the other 3more types of input (that missing this time) for us!!! Slightly_smiling_Face

but i don't think SE team will provide the chinese support for you (but actually they did at the SE OS part - slide view), cos this OS more than half are under windows mobile, and SE just base on it and program X2 software compatible with window mobile 6.5

unless you bring to HK (or China maybe...)for install their locate X2 OS, i heard the X2 there support chinese!!!

good luck!!!

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haha, so funny,

any guys from SE join our forum?

please give comment ya.

Ya, I asked some my friend in Hongkong and CHina to look after this problem.

BUt, So sad, No one of my friend use SE Xperia X2 hahaha,

they used other brand that compatible for chinese character.

Ya, i read the chinese from slide view.

slide view ok, sms not ok.

so, this X2 sholud be not A ready yet release to market.

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my slide view can read chinese sms, maybe is the service provider problem or indon chinese input is diff from m'sia??? (don't know, just guess...)

and i use skyfire read chinese email...

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im downloading skyfire.

slide view, i can read chinese too, no problem.

but can't reply.

if want to reply, i should send to my blackberry (other number) first. then send to reply it.

so, takes time and money for every replying sms.

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all this problem finished.

1. never expect solution from SE.

2. just change the product.

thanks to all,

we love SE brand, but maybe not this Xperia X2 with WM.