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After the new update all my folders disapeared and i cant seem to find a way to get them back. I still have them if i access the mail from a computer with the normal web-browser. Is this a problem from the update or is it just a sync problem.
Which folders and have you selected show all folders at the bottom
the folders that are gone are the ones i made myself from a computer but they all followed the sync in the earlier system-updates.
All the standard folders are there.
I did try with the show all option but only the standard folders show there aswell and i also remade the account to make sure there were no problems there.
Not sure if this will help or even work but open the account settings and change the auto sync time from for example 30 days to All
It was like that already, so that didn't help. I'll try to contact the company that provides the E-mail and see if they have some known sync problems with mobile devices.
Thanks for the help